Clarence City Hall, 411 Lombard St, PO Box 418, Clarence, IA 52216
City Clerk / Finance Officer: Joseph Williams

The office of the City Clerk handles many tasks relating to the day to day operations of the City including:
- Processing utility billing, notices, mailings, etc.
- Issuing licenses and permits
- Preparing documents for consideration by the Mayor and City Council and the official processing and recording of subsequent City Council actions
- Maintaining the official records of the City of Clarence, including Council proceedings
- Accounts payable and accounts receivable processing
- Daily reconciliations of utility accounts and bank accounts
- Annual financial examination preparation
- Annual preparation of the budget and budget amendments
- Payroll processing, HR, and benefits administration
- Website development and updating
- Maintaining City social media
- Cemetery record maintenance
- Answering all questions for residents and businesses