The Clarence Cemetery was established in 1868. One of the first projects of the municipal government was the purchase of eight acres north of town and laying out of the Clarence Cemetery.
The City Clerk maintains cemetery data including maps, deeds, burial records, etc. and coordinates with Public Works to mark new plots for headstones and burials. If you have any updates or find any errors in the current information, please contact the City Clerk as the maintenance of these records is continually ongoing.

Some information regarding the cemetery:
Lot size in the old part of the cemetery (Blocks 1-110) is 18.5′ E/W, 20′ N/S, with 6′ walkways. Lot size in the new part of the cemetery (Blocks 111+) is 20′ x 20′, with 8′ walkways.
One half mile straight north of Clarence at the end of a long lane you will find this town cemetery in the center of Sec. 22 Dayton Twsp. Lying on a low ridge with cedar trees around most of its perimeter. Entry way is on the south border under a metal arch with the name in sheet metal letters.
On 4-20-1881 F.O. Manning, his wife A.E. and N. Dewell granted to the incorporated town of Clarence by quit claim deed with the incentive of $600.00 a tract consisting of 6 acres in the SE corner of W 1/2 of NE 1/4 Sec. 22-82-2. Start at SE corner of land thence run north 32 rods, thence west 30 rods, thence south 32 rods, thence east 30 rods to the start for cemetery together with 20′ wide from cemetery to roadway along south line of said land, and all appurtenances thereto.
A.S. Rossman who had worked 24 years at the cemetery dug 424 graves and exhumed 18 bodies; plus digging an additional 15 graves elsewhere.
Cemetery cataloged by Fred Bachman, Eleanor Stonerook, John Hoffner, and Vern Freeman. Grave locations: refer to plat.”
Original Cemetery Record Book